• icar@marnet.my

Practice Track

What is Practice Track?

The practice stream accepts any kind of action research study, including practical action research and classroom-based action research. In particular, the conference welcomes new action researchers who have limited experience conducting, presenting and writing up action research projects.


An abstract of up to 250 words is required for this submission type, to be submitted via the online system by the submission deadline. Presenters are encouraged to write the abstract in layperson language, and to avoid methodological discussions. They are not required to submit a full manuscript for this stream.


However, all submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process. The abstract will be evaluated based on a scoring system, and the conference can only accept a limited number of presentations.


If accepted, the presenters may choose to present the paper, in oral or poster format. For the oral presentations in the practice stream, presenters may decide to present their paper using any presentation format, including Pecha Kucha or Photovoice. A maximum of 15 minutes will be given to each presenter, including 5 minutes Q&A.