• icar@marnet.my

MARNet Conference 2021: Evaluation Findings

At the end of the MARNet Conference 2021, we asked 216 participants to fill out the conference evaluation form, A total of 164 participants filled out the form from 10 September to 11 December, 2021. The evaluation form was developed to gather participants’ feedback on the activities held during the conference, including plenaries, symposia, professional discourse events, cultural events, as…

MARNet Conference 2021: Highlights from Pecha Kucha and Photovoice Presentations

The MARNet Conference 2021, which was held virtually from 5 – 9 October, 2021, has received impressive feedback from local and international action research practitioners. The organisers from the Malaysian Action Research Network (MARNet) introduced two types of presentations, namely Pecha Kucha and Photovoice. The call for contributions began on 3 September, 2021 and lasted for only 17 days. One…

MARNet Conference 2021: A Post-Conference Reflection

The Malaysian Action Research Network (MARNet) was established as an official action research organisation on 2 September, 2021. To celebrate this success, and for the first time in its history, MARNet organised an online international action research conference, in collaboration with the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN), United Kingdom from 5 to 9 October, 2021. The event formed part of…