• icar@marnet.my

What is ICAR 2022?

About the conference

The Malaysian Action Research Network (MARNet) and the Centre for Research in International and Comparative Education, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya, are proud to present an International Conference on Action Research (ICAR 2022), from 3-6 September, 2022. This virtual conference aims to bring together practitioners, professionals, academics and researchers from various backgrounds and disciplines, including education, nursing, social work, allied health professions, business and management, computer science and the criminal justice sector.


The conference will feature four keynotes from prominent national and international action research scholars, three engaging and contextualised action research workshops, and hundreds of research and practice-based presentations. The conference seeks to provide a space for the presentation of current findings on scientific practices using a variety of action research paradigms, philosophies and methodologies.

Why you should attend?

ICAR 2022 advocates for action research as a means of developing and advancing national education, by improving practitioners’ capability of leading social change projects.

Furthermore, ICAR 2022 cultivates action research among practitioners in Malaysia to enhance self-professional practice that can have a transformative impact on human development.